Past William J. Morlock Award Recipients

2017: Ali Khademosseini

Reason for Nomination: For innovative contributions in engineering micro and nanoscale sensors, organ on a chip systems and advanced materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.

2015: Matthew O’Donnell

Reason for Nomination: For seminal contributions to real-time adaptive array processing, ultrasonic speckle tracking, elasticity imaging of soft tissues, MRI angiography, and acousto-optic transduction, all having direct clinical implications and improving healthcare

2011: Yongmin Kim

Reason for Nomination: For outstanding contributions to the development and application of electronic technologies for biomedical imaging and healthcare information systems

2009: Luke Lee

Reason for Nomination: For contributions to the field of BioMEMS/ BioNEMS and for generation of biologically-inspired artificial eyes, and microdevices for cellular analysis.

1979: Robert Plonsey

1974: Dean L. Franklin

1973: Donald F. Childers

1968: Wilson Greatbatch

1967: Herman Schwan

1963: Otto Schmitt

1961:Britton Chance

1956:Edward F. MacNichol