Presidential Farewell from 2019 Past-President, Nigel Lovell

As we welcome in a new year I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those people from the EMBS community that make our Society such a valued contributor to the biomedical engineering profession, providing myriad avenues of support for our members. The list is large, including the EMBS Executive Office, our Administrative and …

In Memoriam: Niilo Saranummi

Niilo Saranummi left a tremendous impact on the lives of many of us who work on the crossroads of health and ICT. His formal CV speaks for itself. To name but a few items: Fellow of FACTE, IAMBE, AIMBE, IEEE, EAMBES and HL7, President of IFMBE, IUPESM, and EAMBES, co-founder of HL7 Finland, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions of Information Technology in Biomedicine (now IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics) and recipient of the Otto Schmitt Award.